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Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, called for efforts to study the Party"s history, understand its theories, do practical work and make new advances.Xi spoke of the need to embark on a new journey in high spirit to fully build a modern socialist China and welcome the Party"s centenary with outstanding achievements. 习近平总书记强调,学党史、悟思想、办实事、开新局,以昂扬姿态奋力开启全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程,以优异成绩迎接建党一百周年。
Xi stressed the vital necessity of launching the campaign as the CPC stands at a critical juncture where the timeframes of its two centenary goals converge. 习近平强调,在“两个一百年”奋斗目标历史交汇的关键节点,在全党集中开展党史学习教育,正当其时,十分必要。
Xi urged Party committees at all levels to attentively implement the arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee on the campaign. 党中央已经对这项工作作出了部署,各级党委(党组)要认真贯彻落实。
"Our Party"s history is a history of continuously adapting Marxism to the Chinese context," Xi said, calling for educating and guiding the whole Party to learn from its "extraordinary" past so as to understand how Marxism has profoundly changed China and the world. 习近平强调,我们党的历史,就是一部不断推进马克思主义中国化的历史,要教育引导全党从党的非凡历程中领会马克思主义是如何深刻改变中国、改变世界的。
He also called for efforts to equip the whole Party with the latest achievements in its theoretical innovation, and to use the theories to guide its practice and advance its work. 坚持不懈用党的创新理论最新成果武装头脑、指导实践、推动工作。
Throughout its 100-year history, the CPC has been of one mind with the people, breathed the same breath as the people, and shared weal and woe with the people, said Xi. 习近平指出,我们党的百年历史,就是一部党与人民心连心、同呼吸、共命运的历史。
With people"s trust and support, the CPC is invincible in the face of any obstacles, Xi said, adding that it is the duty of the Party to cement the unity of 1.4 billion Chinese people to create an unstoppable force to push forward the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 赢得人民信任,得到人民支持,党就能够克服任何困难,就能够无往而不胜。全党要把 14 亿中国人民凝聚成推动中华民族伟大复兴的磅礴力量。
Xi stressed that the CPC must draw lessons from the past to tackle current challenges. 习近平强调,要更好应对前进道路上的风险挑战,必须从历史中获得启迪。
By urging CPC members to summarize past experience, the Party will improve its leadership and governance, and make itself more capable of fighting corruption, preventing degeneration and warding off risks, he said. 要教育引导全党通过总结历史经验教训,着眼于解决党的建设的现实问题,不断提高党的领导水平和执政水平、增强拒腐防变和抵御风险能力。
Xi called on all CPC members to carry forward the traditions from revolutionary times, maintain the brave spirit of the revolutionaries, and march toward a brand new journey. 习近平指出,要教育引导全党大力发扬红色传统、传承红色基因,始终保持革命者的大无畏奋斗精神,鼓起迈进新征程、奋进新时代的精气神。
Taking a clear-cut political stand as well as safeguarding the Party"s unity and solidarity are the CPC"s lifelines, and the key to its endeavors of building a large political party with a 100-year history and making historic achievements, Xi noted. 习近平强调,旗帜鲜明讲政治、保证党的团结和集中统一是党的生命,也是我们党能成为百年大党、创造世纪伟业的关键所在。
All CPC members should closely follow the CPC Central Committee in terms of the thinking, political stand and actions, and bring together the strength of the whole Party, he said. 要教育引导全党自觉在思想上政治上行动上同党中央保持高度一致,确保全党上下拧成一股绳,心往一处想、劲往一处使。
Xi called on all Party members to attach great importance to the campaign, stressing the need to develop an accurate understanding of Party history, and urged CPC members to unequivocally oppose historical nihilism.
Efforts should be made to deliver services to the people and resolve their difficulties, Xi added, calling for combining Party history learning with summing up experience and solving practical problems. 要切实为群众办实事解难题,要把学习党史同总结经验结合起来,同解决实际问题结合起来。
Highlighting the importance of innovation in methods and means, Xi underscored solid work on promoting learning and education among juveniles to pass on the traditions of revolution through generations. 要注重方式方法创新。抓好青少年学习教育,让红色基因、革命薪火代代传承。
Wang Huning said that the important speech delivered by Xi pointed out the direction for better launching the campaign on CPC history learning and education. 王沪宁在主持会议时表示,习近平总书记的重要讲话,为我们开展好党史学习教育指明了方向。
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